Saturday, September 18, 2010

NECCA Week Two

Somewhere in the middle of this past week I lost track of my computer cord and, seeing as my battery lasts about 10 minutes without it, the ability to blog for a few days. Luckily, my lovely roommate Lauren tracked it down at NECCA and returned it to me. Thanks Lauren!!

Acro with the Boston crew. Me, Micah, Roger and Ellen.
And Morgan took the picture.

School was awesome and challenging this weeks. Whew, could I feel my lats by Thursday! Tuesday morning we got up on the trapezes for assessments and conditioning. Turns out I have some skills up in the air after all. Worked a bunch Tues afternoon and Weds on a basic trapeze routine, which is why my lats were killing my by Thursday morning. Did a bunch of acro with Micah and others on Weds, including some hand to hand and fun multiple person tricks. On Weds afternoon I got an amazing Thai massage from Rhada that helped my hips and hamstring feel much better. They've been bothering me since the program started.

This man can balance on anything!
Thursday was an acro assessment with Bill and Amy (all these assessments!), first solo then partnering tricks. There's a big blue fuzzy mat at NECCA that we call Grover (hello Sesame Street). Most acro related stuff and stretching happens on Grover. Anything that requires a little cushioning underneath. In the afternoon on Thurs two dancers from Pilobolos came and taught a three hour partnering dance/acro class. Pilobolos is an awesome company that's been around since the 70's and combines a lot of what I love about circus and dance in it's pieces. Lots of cool counterbalancing moves that allow smaller and bigger people to take each others weight.  Damon and Molly were our teachers.

Friday morning was running, then yoga, then more conditioning with Amy and Bill. In the afternoon we had our first tumbling class at Woodman's. Back handsprings, tucks, front handsprings, aerials and illusions. Alyssa threw a front aerial, which is a fairly difficult and very cool looking trick that she'd never done before. She landed it beautifully on about her second try. We were all very impressed.

Other exciting events of the week included Roger's 30th birthday, Karaoke at Rocky Top Tavern, and me getting just a little better at my waitressing job at Shin La. I'm there again tonight. Everybody cross your fingers.

1 comment:

  1. oh front aerial. i love watching that trick. so happy when freddy was working on it.
