Saturday, September 4, 2010


Made my last trip to Boston today to pick up the cats. Now they are here in my room trying to figure out what the hell is going on. They spent a few days living in separate places (thank you Anya and Sheera!!!), while I did the work of packing and moving. Now they don't recognize each other's scent and keep hissing and growling whenever one or the other gets to close. It's kind of cute, but also annoying because I'd like to go to bed soon. Gave them some Rescue Remedy (highly recommended by my sister for both human and animal anxiety). It seems to be helping them chill out.

Tomorrow I'm going to take advantage of my Outer Limits gym membership (comes with the whole circus  school package). Then off to the Guilford Country Fair with my friend Jo. She grew up here, so I'm excited to check out her old stomping grounds and see a prize heifer or two, and maybe a goat.

There is a giant spider in a gorgeous web on the back porch. And on my way back into town I saw a couple stargazing in a field. Country living, ahhh...

Will try to figure out tomorrow how to post some pics of the house and from the move. Nima's given me some good blogging tips over email, so I will see what I can figure out.

1 comment:

  1. Go new Pro-Tracker! Tell Janet in the office someone named Lee found your blog, and she'll tell you I am OK.

    I look forward to reading your stories.
