Friday, September 3, 2010

Big Move

Welcome to my circus school Blog! 

The name's not quite right, but I was anxious to get my first entry out, so I just chose something off the top of my head. Do you like "Off To Join The Circus" better? Not quite right, either, I think. Any other suggestions? I think it should have the word circus or acrobat in it, or reference flying in some way. The right name will come to me I'm sure. At any rate, here it is, my first entry....

I am now a proud resident of the town of Brattleboro, Vermont, population 11,000.

I made the move today with the help of many, many friends. Elizabeth, Chris, Eric, Matt, Barb, Jon, Rachel, Dost and my cousin Emma helped me packed the Uhaul yesterday evening. With all those people working at it the job took about an hour and a half. Same deal today with Andy and Micah, plus new friends Anthony and Christina, and new housemates Lauren and Emelia (and Emelia's dad) lugging boxes and furniture into the living room, kitchen, and up to the second floor bedroom of my new home.

Micah handstand on Uhaul
My dear friend Andy followed Micah and I out this morning to Bratt (which is what everyone here affectionately calls this little town). We left Arlington at 11am with Andy driving my little green Honda, while I commandeered the giant Uhaul full of our (mostly my) stuff. As soon as I got over the fear of driving such a ginormous vehicle I got to feeling like kind of a baddass behind the wheel. Micah and I sang rounds in the car. It takes a lot of humility on my part to do this with him, but my voice and ear have improved a lot since he started coaching me many months ago. 

One shocking part of the move was facing how much stuff I have collected over the seven years that I lived at Hall Street. Wow, do I have a lot of stuff. I tried to get ride of some things during the packing process, but apparently I was a bit too liberal with my own hoarding tendencies. I'll have to leave a lot more behind in the next move. 

Me and Andy
After a week of packing and two days of moving I am exhausted. I drive Andy back to Boston tomorrow morning, then back up to Bratt tomorrow afternoon. Brattleboro is exactly 100 miles from Boston, and it's a pretty drive at parts, but I am really looking forward to being done with all the back and forth and settled into my new home. Orientation for school is on Monday evening, and training starts on Tuesday!

Goodnight, sleep tight, and all that stuff about bedbugs.

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