Thursday, April 14, 2011

Acts for the final show

OK, so I haven't posted anything in over a month. Thanks to my friend Tiffany who let me know she was missing my updates, I'm writing today. If you've ever blogged then you know how hard it can be keep writing when your just not sure if anyone (except your mom :)) is out there reading. But thanks to Tiff, and Rayna, and (yes) Mom, I'm getting back on the horse.

It's been an intense couple of months at school. Emotions have been running high for everyone off and on through Feb/Mar/Apr. First it was hard to weather to storms of the winter. The snow and lack of sunshine was getting us down. Also, the pressure to gain tricks and skills and start crafting acts for the final show has been stressful. Lately, big questions are on everyone's minds (except Marshall's who will be working for Cirque starting in June) about what next. People have been setting up gigs for the summer, starting new performance projects and making plans for traveling home and setting up their circus lives in a new place. Some folks are staying around Bratt to keep training.

Under great duress we came up with a name for our final show, Circus Clockwork. We were interested in exploring the passage of time and what all of us have been through as individuals and a group, throughout the year. Originally, we wanted to call the show Clockwork Circus, but that just reminded our coaches too much of The Clockwork Orange, so the change was made.

Lots of progress on trapeze and pipe. I love my pipe walking apparatus. So much. Even despite the feelings of betrayal when I crotched it a couple weeks ago while doing a cartwheel. Yeah, it hurt. A lot. Been seeing a chiro since to try and set things straight, and it's been generally very useful. Still feeling a little bruised tailbone action though. No fun. But really happy in general with my progress with handstands and excited about some of the tricks in my pipe act and the act in general. Yay!

Maybe that's enough for now. Another problem I'm having is getting my new phone to sinc with my old computer, which means no pics for the moment. But I've taken some cool ones lately, so soon, soon.... 

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